The ABC’s of Thankful Thursday Thoughts

Alas, it is Thursday again. Alas, it has been more than a week since I last posted. Alas, (I apologize if I am repeating myself with this one), but “life” has been happening – I know, excuses, excuses…

The agenda for today’s post (gosh – seems so formal):

1. Thank Let’s Cut The Crap  for awarding me the Awesome Blog Content Award – YAY for me!
2. List all the things I am thankful for today… should be easy.

Okay, here goes…

I am touched and honored to have received yet another blogging award. When I first started blogging, I didn’t even know there were such things as blogging awards, but now I receive them with joy, gratitude and inspiration. I would like to thank all (the few) of my readers who appreciate my writing. I don’t do it for the awards or the recognition, but more as an outlet and also in the hopes that I may touch even just one person and make their day a tiny bit better. So, THANK YOU to Let’s Cut The Crap (you really must read her blog!!!).

Seven things about me:

1. I am a SanFrancisco 49ers fan – and I am really looking forward to them going to the Super Bowl after they beat the NY Giants on Sunday 🙂


2. I have tried many different lasagnas, and besides this really delicious green (yes, it really was green – must’ve been pesto-based) lasagna I had at a restaurant several years ago in Paris, my favorite is still Stoufer’s (which is what we’re having for dinner tonight – YUM!).
3. I have three titanium screws in each of my knees.
4. I like my wine.
5. I have a MAD sweet tooth!
6. My favorite movies of all time are Top Gun and Shag
7. I love to entertain, and wish I had a house that was better equipped for it, but I’ve also given up on the fact that my house has to be “perfect.” I’ve realized what matters most is the company I’m surrounded by. (Awww…)

I would like to pass on the ABC award to…. drum roll please…

The Animals Have Escaped
Susan Heim on Parenting
The Blog Hospital
Father Trek
Anywhere Is

There are other most-worthy blogs that I read, so please checkout my blogroll.

And now, to get to the Thankful part. I am thoroughly thankful for: 3 hour naps (by Brayden, not me – unfortunately); sleeping through the night (again, by Brayden – and Zackery – but not me); 4WD (that’s four-wheel-drive for all those non-snow people) that works, especially since there is a winter storm watch; the Stoufer’s lasagna that I’m about to pop into the oven (see above #2); the 49ers in the playoffs (see #1 above!); my pink, fuzzy crocs (cozy!); the walls that are keeping that nasty wind blowing outside from blustering into my living room (brr!); my husband who works harder than most people I know to provide for our family; Zackery’s preschool (I LOVE it!); Brayden’s happy demeanour; Zackery’s polite manners; the ability to love, give and receive…

Happy Thursday everyone!

About pamelazimmer

Pamela Zimmer is a #1 bestselling author and speaker, transforming her personal pain and experience of Postpartum Depression into her purpose and passion. Through her #1 bestselling book, Reclaim The Joy of Motherhood, and her mentorship program, The HAPPY Mommy Method™, Pamela guides mothers on a healing journey from battling their own Postpartum Depression to embracing motherhood with joy.

Posted on January 19, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Thank you so much for the award! 😀 I’m glad you like the stuff I write. HEY, you have me linked in your sidebar too! YAY! You flatter me. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for noticing my blog! What an honor to be awarded the ABC of blogs and from a PUBLISHED author! Your writings are inspiring and Iook forward to reading!

  3. Wow! Thank you SO much for this wonderful award! It really put a smile on my face today. I’m so thankful for you and this honor!

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